This section attempts to give a broad and rounded picture of Melchior's work over the years, with a selection of active, past and long-standing projects. We've divided these up into sections, but there is inevitably some overlap between History in the making, Children and education and Church and charity projects.
It doesn't cover the whole story. In our early days we were also a VAR (value-added reseller) of communications equipment and software, and ran a helpline which supported several thousand schools. We ran our own online subscription service for educational resources for over 20 years, wrote the first ever system to deliver A level results to schools online (successfully!)...
But it's more than a snapshot.
If you just want to see some of our live sites, here are a few links:-

- The Assemblies website - www.assemblies.org.uk - widely using in schools in the UK and beyond (More...)

- Lazerlamps Ltd - www.lazerlamps.com - a multi-storefront Magento implementation, initially launched in 2014, with a brand new Magento 2 site being launched in 2020. (More...)

- Derbyshire Family History Society - www.dfhs.org.uk - built from scratch, with many of the CMS modules specially developed by Melchior for this project, the site offers a range of resources and services to subscribers, Pay-as-you-Go members, and the general public. Designed to be managed by the members themselves, with (for example) facilities for members to work together on collaborative data collection projects.

- Nourishing Connections - www.grahamkings.org - is a personal site for Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings, and includes articles, a blog, picture/video galleries,etc., whilst also serving as an extension and living appendix to the book of the same title (a book of poems published in 2020).
(List last updated: Jan 2021)